• F A Swanepoel University of South Africa
Keywords: popularising contextual theology


Popularising contextual is the challenge of our time. If we are talking about popularising contextual theology we must have clarity about the terms ‘popularising’ and ‘contextual’. Both of these are being used in various ways, leading to misconceptions and distrust.In this paper one form of popularising for secondary school pupils, is discussed. Religious Instruction and Biblical Studies on this level may be regarded as popularised theology.Popularising contextual is no easy task. Popularising does not mean summarising or merely using other words. Popularising requires in the first place the determining of the target group. This target group description must place in a careful description of the so-called macro-environment. But before a programme or syllabus can be drawn up, it is necessary to determine the available sources. A syllabus must then be constructed that is contextual, relevant and of interest to the primary target group. A detailed analyst of the need priorities of each standard or age group should be determined and the pupils’ context taken into account when deciding on the selection of sections to be considered.Popularising contextual theology for Religious Instruction and Biblical Studies is an enormous challenge and opportunity. This must be dealt with urgently, seriously and in a creative way.


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