• C W Du Toit University of South Africa
Keywords: Christianity, Cultural Domination, Cultural Plurality,


In `n kulturele oorgang situasie, soos die waarin ons, ons  bevind, kom baie vrae na vore. Dit raak sake aan soos verontregting wat in die kultuur verlede teenoor ander kulture gepleeg is, die verheffing van eie kultuurwaardes as die enigste waarde, die wyse waarop in Afrika situasie die Europese kultuur ver inheems is, ens, die onsekerheid van `n nuwe situasie waarin `n verskeidenheid van kulture en waardes in neweskikking teenoor mekaar te staan kom, waar kulturele absolutes vervang word met `n veelheid van benaderingswyses en lewenstyle stel besondere eise aan die teologie. In hierdie artikel word onder meer die vraag aangeraak van Godsheid as kultuurmag, `n Christelike kultuuroorheersing, die vraag na interkulturele norme, kulturele relativisme, kulturele pluraliteit, die moontlikheid van transkulturele dialoog en die skepping van nuwe kulturele simbole.Christianity is now put before the accusing Scilla of her own history of domination and the inviting Charibdis of religious plurality.  Even though Christian cultural domination has rationally been bidden farewell, it is still going to take a longtime for the implications of this to be fully realised.  The question is if all beliefs are equal in the religious ‘post-imperialistic era’.  What must be allowed when non-Christian cultures inculturate Christianity? What are the implications of a détente of faith? What implications does an anti-fundamentalist, post-metaphysical and pluralist religious era have for the message of Christ?  These questions converge in the matter of cultural co-existence.  For cultural co-existence, friendship and harmony between different cultures and religions, as are inherent in these cultures, are essential.  This paper is an attempt to reflect on some facets of cultural domination and the challenges of plurality.


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Author Biography

C W Du Toit, University of South Africa
University of South Africa