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Richtlinien für Autor/innen

Scriptura: Guidelines for submission

For the sake of conformity of publications and to expedite the process of selection, editing and uploading, please submit articles for Scriptura according to the following guidelines.


  1. Formatting

    1. Font, spacing

      All copy in Times New Roman

      Single spacing throughout

      No spacing before or after lines

    2. Headings

      Leave one line open before headings

      All headings 11 pt

      Main headings: bold

Sub-headings: bold italics

Sub-sub-headings: italics

    1. Text

All text 10.5 pt justified. Paragraphs first line indented 0.5 cm.

    1. Block quotes

Leave one line open before and after block quotes. Indent left and right justified. Do not put in quotations and reference directly after the full stop,

    1. Bibliography

Single spacing with hanging indent.

    1. Foot notes

8 pt single spacing justified.


  1. General editing

    Articles may be submitted in Afrikaans or English. Please ensure that the article is edited before submission. Afrikaans contributions should include both the Opsomming and an English abstract.

    While contributors may exercise their preferences, consistent style choices are imperative.

    1. Headings

      No full stops after headings

      First word only capitalised, except words that are routinely capitalised e.g. Bible, Cape Town etc.

    2. Text

      Preferably write in:

  • the first person (not “this researcher found”, or “In Chapter 4 we will …”)

  • active not passive voice

  • present tense as far as possible. Always use the present tense when quoting, even ancient scriptures, e.g.:

    In Mark 8–10, Jesus is preparing his disciples...

  • gender neutral terms, e.g. they don their garments, rather than the clumsy he/she dons his/her garments

    British English, not American English, e.g. analysed not analyzed, honour not honor, programme not program (unless it’s a computer program) etc. (Set your language preference under reviewing on South African English.)

    Editing guidelines do not apply to direct quotes, in which the author’s grammar, spelling and formatting preferences remain intact.

    Abbreviations: Whichever style you choose, ie with or without full stops, please be consistent.

    The general rule of thumb for numbers is that they are written out up to ten, and then in numerals: “two of the 15 occurrences …”

    Use double quotation marks, with single quotation marks for quotes inside quotes.

    Full stop after the close quotation mark for phrases or incomplete sentences, before the close quotation mark for quotes that are complete sentences:

    • In 22:17 Lee (2014:90) sees the author depicting the Spirit “as an evangelist or missionary”. Curiously, he interprets this invitation of grace for salvation as an address to nonbelievers: “Thus, the narrator, as an evangelist who invites nonbelievers on earth to receive the gospel, describes the Spirit.”

Quotes of four lines or more (block quotes) should be in an indented block justified with the reference in brackets after the text, no full stop in the brackets. (Kim 2011:13)

Footnote numbers are always directly after the full stop.

When discussing a specific word or phrase, it can be accentuated in quotations mark, e.g.: The concepts “wisdom” and “toil” …

Words in foreign languages are in italics e.g. ad hoc (no quotations marks), unless it is clearly in foreign font. Translations are preferred in brackets and not quotations marks, e.g.: the noun חָכָם (clever, cunning, wise) ...

Use the en dash (the width of an n) for numbering, i.e. Eph. 2–6 (ctr minus or alt 0150). Telescoping numbers are acceptable, i.e. p. 11–7 instead of p. 11–17.

The en dash can be used as an interrupter – with spaces on either side. Alternatively, the em dash (ctr alt minus or alt 0151) can be used—with no spaces on either side. (cf.

Bible books can be written in full or abbreviated in text, but Bible text references should be abbreviated. Please ensure you use acknowledged abbreviations and consistently use the same abbreviations.

References to Bible verses should preferably be abbreviated, e.g. v. 6.

Bible text references format examples:

    • Jn.12:23

    • Jn.12:23–24

    • Non-consecutive verses are listed with a comma and space, e.g. (Jn.12:23, 24, 32)

    • Different references are separated by a semi-colon and space, e.g. 1 Cor. 15:45; 2 Cor. 2:17–18


  1. Referencing

    Referencing is generally according to the Harvard referencing system.

Titles of books and journals in italics.

Titles of articles and chapters in normal font with no quotation marks.

Capitalise the first word of titles only, except words that are routinely capitalised e.g. Bible, Cape Town etc.

Although the use of ampersand (&) is not incorrect, “and” is preferred, unless in a name of e.g. a publisher.


In text referencing (please do not use footnotes for referencing)


  •  (Kim 2011:13) or (Kim, 2011:13)

  •  (Breed 2016c:287–291) or (Breed 2016c:287–91)  

  • Non-consecutive pages are listed with a comma and space, e.g. (Goede 2004:183, 184)

  • Different references are separated by a semi-colon and space, e.g. (Breed 2016c:287–29; Goede 2004:183, 184).


Bibliography (not References/Bronnelys etc.)

Single spacing with hanging indent.

All inscriptions end with a full stop.

Pages numbers are always at the end. They can be preceded by the abbreviation p. or pp.

  • Books examples:

Nyembezi, C.L.S. 1990. Learn more Zulu. PMB: Shuter and Shooter.

Hossfeld, F-L. and Zenger, E. 2011. Psalms (vol. 3). Minneapolis: Fortress Press, p. 23–25.

  • Chapters in books examples:

Hermanson, Eric A. 2004. Missionary translations of the Bible into the Zulu language. In Yorke, G.L.O.R. and Renju, P.M. (eds), Bible translation and African languages. Nairobi: Acton, 41–58.

Mofokeng, T. 1997. Land is our mother: A black theology of land. In Guma, M. (ed.), An African challenge to the Church in the 21st century. Cape Town: Salty Print, 45–56.

  • Articles in journals examples:

Breed, G. and Breed, D.G. 2010. Besinning oor die diakonale dienswerk na aanleiding van Handelinge 6:1–7, In die Skriflig 44(3/4):627–653.

Resane, K.T. 2015b. Naboth’s vineyard: Theological lessons for the South African land issue, Acta Theologica 35(1):174–188.

  • Dissertations examples:

Van Aarde, Timothy. 2014. The missional purpose of the Letter to the Ephesians. ThD dissertation, North-West University, Potchefstroom.

Dickie, June F. 2017. Zulu son, oral art, performing the Psalms to stir the heart. Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

Remember it is a doctoral dissertation and a masters’ thesis.

  • Online references examples:

Mbennah, Emmanuel D. 2016. The goal of maturity in Ephesians 4:13-16, Acta Theologica 36(1):110–132. Online: (Accessed: 28 April 2019).




Planetary Entanglement: Theology and the Anthropocene

Submission of articles based on a conference on Planetary Entanglement hosted by PthU, Su and UWC in October 2021


Summary of publications

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