• C W Burger Stellenbosch leraar


“The feet-washing, like the Lord’s supper, obviously anticipates what is mediated and given to the apostles and the whole church not merely by the presence and the life of Jesus but by his death.”  “The special washing of the feet is a conditio sine qua non for fellowship with Jesus.”  “With the uncompromising saying to Peter that he has no part with Jesus if he is not washed by Him, there is a concealed recollection that fellowship with Him necessarily involves the attitude of Mary (bedoelende Maria van Betanië) – not as a conditio but as a consequens sine qua non.  Indeed the disciples are later required explicitly to wash one another’s feet as a demonstration of their confession of Him as their Lord and Master.” (K Barth, Church Dogmatics II, 2, pp 473, 474.) Die Johannes-evangelie val duidelik uiteen in twee dele:  Christus se verhouding tot die wêreld (Joh2-12) en tot sy dissipels (Joh 13-17).  Beide die dele begin Johannes met die vertelling van 'n teken (semeia) d i 'n werklike gebeure met 'n simboliese meerwaarde wat tekenend is van Christus se diepste intensie.  


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C W Burger, Stellenbosch leraar
Stellenbosch leraar
Expository and Homiletical Contributions