• Phil Robinson Emeritus Professor University of the Western Cape


The first issue raised by Dr Simon concerns the place and role of Missiology within the theological curriculum. As a matter of fact, this is not a new question. It is rather the resurgence of a long-standing debate within theological education/training which did receive lengthy treatment in several introductions to theology.1 The same is true of all introductions to Missiology (Science of Mission) which all attempted to clarify the place of their discipline within the theological curriculum.2 However, what seems to be clear from all these presentations is that the position of Missiology was seldom clear. Due to this uncertainty the discipline often had to alternate between Church History, Systematic Theology and Practical Theology. Depending on the self-indulgence or expansionist fever of the hosting discipline, Missiology could retain something of an own character in a relationship of twin disciplines or more negatively almost disappear in a number of obscure fragments. It was not until late in the 19th century that Missiology gained the status of a full-blown sixth discipline in the theological curriculum. The direct result was an explosion in the number of chairs in Missiology all over the world.


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