• B C Lategan Stellenbosch University


Scholder, Klaus, 1987. The churches and the Third Reich Vol 1: 1918-1934. London: SCM.Potgieter, P C & Smit, J H 1988. Vernuwing of konfrontasie. Kaapstad: Lux Verbi.Gibellini, Rosino 1987. The Liberation Theology debate (translated by John Bowden). London: SCM Press.McFague, Sallie 1987. Models of God. Theology for an Ecological Nuclear Age. London: SCM Press.Kammer, Charles L 1988. Ethics and Liberation. An introduction. London: SCM Press.Spykman, Gordon: Cook, Guillermo; Dodson, Michael; Grahn, Lance; Rooy, Sidney; Stam, John 1988. Let My People Live. Faith and struggle in Central America. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.Toy, John 1988. Jesus, Man for God. Contemporary issues in the theology. London & Oxford: Mowbray.Robinson, John A T 1987. Where three ways meet. Last essays and sermons. London: SCM Press.Fenton, John 1988. Finding the Way through John. London & Oxford: Mowbray.Tannehill, Robert C 1986. The narrative unity of Luke-Acts. A literary interpretation. Vol 1. The Gospel according to Luke. Philadelphia: Fortress Press.Ulanov, Ann & Barry 1985. Primary Speech. A psychology of prayer. London: SCM Press.Theron, P F & Kinghorn J (reds) 1989. Koninkryk, kerk en kosmos. Huldigingsbundel ter ere van Prof W D Jonker. Bloemfontein: Pro-Christo Publikasies.Robinson, Edward 1987. The Language of Mystery. London: SCM Press.Burger, Coenie 1989. Vreemde geluk. Oordenkings en Bybelstudie oor die Saligsprekeninge (Mattheus 5:3-10). Kaapstad: Lux Verbi.Jenkins, David E 1987. God, Miracle and the Church of England. London: SCM Press.Gardiner, Patrick 1988. Kierkegaard. Oxford: Oxford university Press.Kritzinger, JJ 1988. The South African context for mission. Cape Town: Lux verbi.Prinsloo, W S & Vosloo, W (reds) 1988. In mensetaal oor God se Woord. Huldigingsbundel opgedra aan professor A H van Zyl. Kaapstad: Lux Verbi.Burger, C W; Mùller, B A & Smit, D K (reds) 1988. Riglyne vir prediking oor die Psalms. Kaapstad: N G Kerk-uitgewers.Labuschagne, C J 1987. Deuteronomium. Deel 1A en 1B. Nijkerk: Callenbach.Crenshaw, James L 1986. Story and faith. A guide to the Old Testament. London: Collier MacMillan Publishers.


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Author Biography

B C Lategan, Stellenbosch University