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Koopman, Nico, Department of Ecclesiology and Systematic Theology Stellenbosch University
Koopman, Nico, Department of Systematic and Ecclesiology Theology Stellenbosch University
Koopman, Nico, Stellenbosch University
Koopman, Nico, University of Stellenbosch
Koster, Hilda P., Concordia College of ELCA, Moorhead (MN)
Kotzé, Gideon, Editorial team
Kotze, Gideon R, Old and New Testament Stellenbosch University
Kotzé, Gideon R., Ancient Studies Stellenbosch University
Kotze, H.J., University of Stellenbosch
Kotzé, Hennie, Stellenbosch University
Kotze, Hennie J, Stellenbosch University
Kotzé, Kobus, Stellenbosch University
Kotzé, Manitza, Stellenbosch University
Kotzé, Manitza, Unit for Reformational Theology North-West University
Kotzé, Manitza, University of the Western Cape
Kotzé, P P A, Universiteit van Pretoria
Kotzé, P P A, University of Pretoria
Kotzé, Zacharias, Department of Ancient Studies Stellenbosch University
Kourie, Celia, Department of Christian Spirituality Church History and Missiology University of South Africa
Kozlovic, Anton Karl, The Flinders University of South Australia
Kretzschmar, Louise, Department of Practical Theology & Missiology Stellenbosch University
Kretzschmar, Louise, University of South Africa
Kriel, J R, Rand Afrikaanse University
Kriel, J R, Sacred Heart College
Kritzinger, JNJ (Klippies), UNISA
Kritzinger, Johannes, Centre for Contextual Hermeunics
Krog, Antje, Poet, writer and journalist Cape Town
Kruger, H A J, University of Durban-Westville
Kruger Joubert, Lisel, Stellenbosch University
Kruger Joubert, Lisel H, Department of Old and New Testament University of Stellenbosch
Kumalo, Simanga R, School of Theology and Religion University of Kwazulu-Natal
Kwalotswe, Obed, University of Botswana


LaFleur, William R., University of Pennsylvania
Landman, Christina, University of South Africa
Lategan, B C, Stellenbosch University
Lategan, B C, Universiteit van Stellenbosch
Lategan, Bernard, Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study Stellenbosch University
Lategan, Bernard, Stellenbosch University
Lategan, Bernard, University of Stellenbosch
Lategan, Bernard C, Department of Information Science Stellenbosch University
Lategan, Bernard C, Stellenbosch University (South Africa)
Lategan, Bernard C., Stellenbosch University
Lategan, Bernard D, Stellenbosch University
Lategan, Werner
Lategan, Werner, Old and New Testament Stellenbosch University
Lategan, Werner, Stellenbosch University
Lawrie, D G, University of the Western Cape
Lawrie, DG, University of the Western Cape
Lawrie, Douglas, Department of Religion and Theology University of the Western Cape
Lawrie, Douglas, Department of Religion and Theology University of the Western Cape (South Africa)
Lawrie, Douglas, University of the Western Cape
Lawrie, Douglas, University of Western Cape
Lawrie, Douglas G, Department of Religion and Theology University of the Western Cape
Lawrie, Douglas G, University of the Western Cape
Lawrie, Douglas G., Department of Religion and Theology University of the Western Cape
le Bruyns, Clint, Department of Systematic Theology & Ecclesiology Stellenbosch University
Le Bruyns, Clint, Department of Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology Stellenbosch University
Le Bruyns, Clint, Stellenbosch University
Le Roux, Anda, Free State University
Le Roux, Elizabeth, Practical Theology and Missiology Stellenbosch University
Le Roux, Jurie, University of Pretoria
le Roux, Magdel, Department of Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies University of South Africa
Lee, Chul Woo, Department of Old and New Testament Stellenbosch University
Lee, Hoseung, University of Pretoria
Leene, AMJ, Practical Theology and Missiology Stellenbosch University
Lemmelijn, Bénédicte, Faculteit Theologie en Religiewetenschappen, KU Leuven & Faculty of Theology, University of the Free State
Leshota, Paul Lekholokoe, National University of Lesotho
Lindegger, CG, University of KwaZulu-Natal Pietermaritzburg
Liss, Hanna, Heidelberg
Locatell, Christian, Stellenbosch University
Lombaard, Christo, Christian Spirituality University of South Africa
Lombaard, Christo, University of Pretoria
Lombaard, Christo, University of South Africa
Lombaard, Christo, University of South Africa (UNISA)
Lombaard, Christo, Department of Old Testament Pretoria University ()
Lombaard, Christo J S, Department of Old Testament University of Pretoria
Lombard, Christo, Universiteit van Namibia
Lombard, Christo, University of Namibia
Long, T M S, Trinity Anglican Church, Pretoria
Loubser, Bobby, University of Zululand South Africa
Loubser, J A, Stellenbosch University
Loubser, J A, University of Zululand
Loubser, J. A., University of Zululand
Loubser, Reinet, Stellenbosch University
Louw, D J, Stellenbosch University
Louw, D J, Universiteit van Stellenbosch
Louw, D J, University of Stellenbosch
Louw, Daniel, Practical Theology & Missiology Stellenbosch University
Louw, Daniel, Practical Theology & Missiology Stellenbosch University
Louw, Daniël, Practical Theology and Missiology Stellenbosch University
Louw, Daniel, Stellenbosch University
Louw, Daniel J, Emeritus, Stellenbosch University; Extraordinary professor, North West University
Louw, Daniël J., Faculty of Theology Stellenbosch University
Louw, Dirk J, The University of the North
Louw, J P, University of Pretoria
Louw-Kritzinger, Elmarie, Antieke Studie Universiteit Stellenbosch


Maartens, P J, University of Port-Elizabeth
MacGregor, Kirk Robert, McPherson College
MacMaster, Llewellyn LM, Practical Theology Dean of Students Stellenbosch University
MacMaster, Llewellyn LM, Stellenbosch University

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