The Message of Jesus: John Dominic Crossan and Ben Witherington III in Dialogue / Robert B Stewart, Ed

  • Jonathan Huggins Stellenbosch University


 This enjoyable work is the product of the 2010 Greer-Heard Point-Counterpoint Forum in Faith and Culture. This annual forum aims "to have a respected Evangelical scholar dialogue with a respected non-Evangelical or non-Christian scholar on an important subject in religion or culture" (xv). The 2010 forum hosted a dialogue between John Dominic Crossan and Ben Witherington III on "The Message of Jesus." Other scholars contributed papers related to the subject. These, along with additional related essays, follow a transcript of Crossan’s and Witherington’s dialogue (including a Question and Answer section) and are collected to produce this fine introduction to and exploration of the topic.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Jonathan Huggins, Stellenbosch University
 Research Associate in the Theology Faculty